📣 Come on Eagle Nation - Let's show our pride! 💛🏈🦅❤️
SJEL @ Dayton will be rescheduled. *There will also be no FB practice tonight.
🦅 SJE HS Homecoming Dress Up Days 🐠🪸
🍕🦅 FINAL CALL: Support the St. John Elementary ASB!
💰Order online or contact a 3rd, 4th, or 5th grader to order. https://www.pizzakit.com/fundraising-products?shop=1&t=lc&sf=1
*Use Fundraiser ID #445946
🍰 🖼️ SJE NHS Fundraiser: Cake Walk & Art Auction @ the Downtown St. John October Market 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Saturday, 10/12. Come join in on the fun!
Endicott Preschool students visit Buck Canyon Barn for a fun day at the pumpkin patch!! Thank you SJ Preschool for picking us up and sharing this fun adventure! #Bettertogether
ESJ ~ Cooking/Nutrition Class ~ Middle Schoolers prepping chicken and veggies for homemade chicken noodle soup! Yummy!!
Respect Student Award Winners in Endicott
🐷🎃🌽 Preschool visiting neighbor, Alfie!
🍎🍏 PS/TK/K Apple Study!
See the attached flyer for the upcoming WSU VB Little Spikers Clinic Flyer for K-6th graders!
WSU Womens' Volleyball coaching staff and are offering two (2) one hour volleyball clinics. Registration is $30.00
Pictures of the Endicott-St. John MIddle School Students who traveled to Palouse on Wednesday to listen to Major League Baseball Agent and speaker Mark Leinweaver. He spoke to students about critical social issues while promoting positive character development. The middle school students did great! They were very attentive, interacted with other students and were awesome!
❤️ 🦅💛 St. John Elementary's first recipients for Student of the Month have been announced! These Eagles showed a great amount of Character Strength over the month of September ❤️ 🦅💛 Keep up the good work!
Endicott Pre-School fun!!
ESJ Middle School Students having fun with Character Strong while creating "Respect" posters to hang up in the hallways!
Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 2, the SJE Middle and High School students will join other Whitman County students to attend a motivational assembly titled, " WHY CHARACTER MATTERS," featuring Major League Baseball Agent and speaker Mark Leinweaver. The event will take place in Palouse and is designed to educate students about critical social issues while promoting positive character development. If you are interested in seeing what he is going to be speaking about, click on this link, https://youtu.be/aoLlAo6jekI?feature=shared
📰 SJE Cooperative Newsletter - October 2024
October Breakfast/Lunch Menus - Endicott