🥼🤖 ⚙️ 🎨 📐 SJE S.T.E.A.M. NIGHT 2025
Photo Booth: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DEfkDRRZ9YQTQo1_NiGU5tY87u8-s-R4?usp=sharing

K-4 read together to honor Dr. Suess’ birthday! #BetterTogether #Endicott ❤️ 📚

🦅✨SJE High School Character Strong classes each made a list of the parts they love about our school!

The St. John School District Board of Directors have begun the search for a new Superintendent / Principal to lead our district next year. The Board has selected Northwest Leadership Associates to assist in our search. We would like to hear from you about the challenges and opportunities as well as the qualities you wish to see in the next Superintendent. The Superintendent Search Community Stakeholder Survey closes at the end of the day on March 20th, 2025.
Please share your feedback by clicking on the Superintendent Search Community Stakeholder Survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/StJohn25 or https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/StJohnSpanish

The St. John School District Board of Directors have begun the search for a new Superintendent / Principal to lead our district next year. The Board has selected Northwest Leadership Associates to assist in our search. We would like to hear from you about the challenges and opportunities as well as the qualities you wish to see in the next Superintendent. The Superintendent Search Community Stakeholder Survey closes at the end of the day on March 20th, 2025.
Please share your feedback by clicking on the Superintendent Search Community Stakeholder Survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/StJohn25 or https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/StJohnSpanish

☀️📚🛝 Soaking up the sunshine today!

🥼🤖 ⚙️ 🎨 📐
Thursday, 3/6 @ St. John School
3:45-6:00 p.m.

🎶 Newport 5th grade joined St. John and Endicott 4th and 5th grade band here in St. John this afternoon!

🐝🔎 Mrs. Collins found a bee hive and Kindergarten was able to dissect it!


Don’t forget to keep track of your 10 hours of reading until March 28. Turn in your forms to your teacher by the 28th of March. They will send them to Julie at the Endicott School and she will get the Silverwood tickets printed out and given to your teacher or emailed to you upon Julie’s receipt of your reading. There are two options at the bottom of the Silverwood form, a printed ticket from the School or emailed to you to print yourself. Happy Reading!

🍳 🥪 St. John School March Menus :

🦅 Let's Celebrate!
Winter Sports Banquet
Monday, 3/3 @ 6:30 p.m.

🐴 SJE Equestrian Team
📷 Credit: Simply Blessed Photography


🔥 Cameron is headed to STATE! 🔥
After an incredible performance at regionals, securing 6th place, he’s punched his ticket to the State Wrestling Championship this weekend! His hard work, dedication, and resilience have paid off, and we couldn’t be more proud.
Let’s show him all the support as he takes on the best in the state! Drop some encouragement in the comments—let’s go, Cameron! 🦅💪🏆
#StateBound #Wrestling #HardWorkPaysOff

❤️ Our love for teaching shines bright through every lens! ❤️
#sjelem #sjehs

Found someone in the Endicott hallway anxiously awaiting their valentine to show up. Once they showed up we got this great picture! Happy Valentines Day everyone!

🦅🐴 Equestrian Team
📷 Credit: Simply Blessed Photography

🤼♀️ Come join Little Guy Wrestling practice in Endicott! 🤼♂️
Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30-7:30 p.m.
No requirement to participate in tournaments, just come to practice and have some fun!
*If interested in tournaments, additional information about Colfax Little Guy Wrestling is attached. Sign up deadline for tournaments is next week, 2/20.