Superintendent/Principal's Message


Tricia Jeffries

Endicott families, staff, and students, 

As we approach the official start of fall, with it bring with it a few updates from the Endicott building. One, unfortunately, is the onset of fire season and the arrival of smoky air. I am happy to assure you that we are following all the health guidelines set by the state to protect our employees and students during the day. Recess may need to be inside due to the quality of air outside. I would love to send kids outside for ALL recesses, however, I am cognizant of the air quality. Daily monitoring will take place and recess location will be determined appropriately.

Endicott-St. John Middle School Coding has a new look

Mr. Maloney, our volunteer Coding teacher, has investigated different options to the program we have used for our state-required coding class in the past. The students go through a “circuit boarding” process, which is basically like programming a game controller to function (doing both input and output). In addition, he has wisely chosen the Hello World Computer Science Program. This program gives access for up to 50 students (which is all our Middle Schoolers!) to robust online learning management software designed for hands-on, personalized, and project-based computer science learning. All courses provided include bits of Virtual Reality, Data Science & AI, Hacking Minecraft, Web Development, and others. A one-year subscription, in addition to the VR headset, has been purchased with the funds so generously awarded to the Endicott School District by Schweitzer Engineering Laboratory in Pullman, WA. We cannot thank the SEL team enough for believing in the continued support of our Middle School electives programs. We do our best to keep up with current standards, and this grant allowed us to upgrade our investment in student learning opportunities.

Metalshop has new equipment on the way

Mr. West has been continually working to increase participation and interest in our Metalshop elective class. As it is one of our most popular Middle School electives, I believe that his efforts are working! I would like to once again thank the Endicott community for passing our last levy, so that we are able to continue to support classes such as this. The only building we have for this work is completely full each quarter and students cannot wait to be in Metalshop. We have purchased two new welders to replace ones that were giving us issues. The students are anxiously awaiting their arrival so they can use them during class. The students have even welded new carts for the welders, putting their newfound skills to work to improve the school. Thank you communities for all your support of our students! 

Associated Student Body (ASB) elections coming next week

ASB elections are here! Campaign week will be next week, September 9-13. We encourage all students to sign up and run for an office, as there are many fun things already planned for the year. There will be a workshop for the new officers in Colfax in early October. Spirit Week is planned for October 7-11. We will have dress up days during the Oct. 7-11 week, and there are multiple home games that week as well. We are combining forces with the Lacrosse Middle School students, since many of them play sports with us, and our dress up days will be the same in both ESJ and Lacrosse Middle Schools. If your child has any questions or wants more information regarding ASB elections, please feel free to get in touch with our advisor, Ms. Kauffman. 

Middle School athletics underway 

Cross Country, Girls Basketball and Football are underway at the Middle School level. We have enough players to field teams and the students are practicing hard! We are still in need of an Assistant Football coach, so if you know of anyone that might be interested, please get in touch with Billy Ray as soon as possible. Our Middle School Football team has been invited to participate in a Jamboree in Waitsburg on September 9. I was excited to hear that we were invited; best of luck athletes!

As always, if you have questions or concerns, please contact me directly. I am more than willing to work things out and am here to help students have the strongest learning opportunities possible.

Warm regards, 

Tricia Jeffries, M.Ed. 


Endicott School District